ESVS Podcasts

Listen to the latest news, innovations, and hot debates in vascular surgery.


Our podcasts address a wide variety of vascular topics and are available on your favourite listening platforms.

  • EJVES Edutorials & Editor’s Choice Papers
  • Ask-Away Podcasts
  • Vascular Forum Interviews
  • Virtual Vascular Chapter Overviews
  • Guidelines Q&As
  • Hot Debates

Any suggestions of interesting topics are welcome! Get in touch with us at


#ESVS2024: Vascular Nomads

with C. Fernandez Pendes & V. Dabravolskaite

Spotify | Soundcloud | Apple Podcasts

ESVS AAA Guidelines

 with I. Van Herzeele, A. Wanhainen, F. Bastos Gonçalves and C. Fernandez Prendes.

Spotify | Soundcloud | Apple Podcasts


The Podcast Committee is responsible for planning, writing, recording and editing all ESVS Podcasts. The group was born in 2019 and became a committee in 2023. The team has released over 140 open access podcasts to date.

Dr. Melina Vega de Ceniga


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