EUROPEAN RESEARCH HUB – Clinical vascular disease research

European Research Hub (ERH)

The European Research Hub was established in 2022 and seeks to increase participation in high-quality clinical research in vascular disease throughout Europe and internationally. This initiative supports the advancement of vascular surgery training, vascular surgery courses, and vascular surgery procedures.

Get involved

If you are interested in collaborating with the ERH on a specific project, please complete the collaboration form.

The ERH is currently working on several projects, liaising with industry partners and other interested parties. If you and your centre want to get involved, please fill in the form. Your data will be saved in the ERH-Registry of Research Centres, will be kept by the ESVS and will only be accessible for members of the ERH, as well as the governance and administration of the ESVS. This data will be used to advance and enhance cardiovascular surgery, both in Europe and internationally.

European Venous Registry


  • Lack of robust data to inform the outcomes of deep venous interventions.
  • Need for improved long-term data collection on all vascular technologies (new medical device regulations).
  • Will benefit all stakeholders including surgeons, researchers, related societies, industry, regulators and patients.


  • An international repository of deep venous treatment data (10-year time horizon).
  • Informs the outcomes of venous interventions.
  • Goal is to provide patients and stakeholders with the best possible treatment according to scientific evidence.
  • Specific focus on reliable data, essential data; data audits to be performed.
  • The registry includes PROMs; ambition for a 5-year follow-up period.


  • Centres welcome to apply. Entry criterion: commit to 5 deep venous cases per year.
  • Centres’ offering: 150€ per patient + 1 free ESVS membership per centre + Publication in journals + Compare your centre with other centres (benchmarking reports)
  • Pilot phase starts in September 2024; registry launch September 2025


Research in vascular practice

In order to improve the quality and quantity of European vascular research, it is important to understand the potential barriers and enablers to performing research in clinical practice. These issues haven’t been well established. You are therefore invited to take part in a survey, that will help shed light on the topic. We hope this allows us to work towards creating a better research environment in Europe, promoting vascular surgery procedures and cardiovascular health.

Completing the survey will take 10 to 15 minutes of your time. We will mention all participants by name in the acknowledgments section(s) of all published results and outputs (if you consent). The survey data and your information will be stored securely and not shared externally.


ERH Committee Members

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