Female; 70 year-old;

Medical history: Active smoker

Type 2 diabetes, diagnosed 15 years ago;

Myocardial infarction treated medically ten years ago;

Recanalisation with stenting of the right external iliac artery due to severe claudication five years ago (8×10 mm and 6×40 mm self expandable stent)

Medications: Aspirin 100mg daily, recently changed to clopidogrel 75 mg daily, Amlodipine 5mg daily, Colchicine 0,5mg bd as needed, Metformine 500mg/8 h.

Previously, she received supervised exercise therapy for recurrent bilateral claudication, with a current pain-free walking distance of 50 m. She now returns to the vascular outpatient clinic because of rest pain in her left foot for four weeks, without wounds. On physical examination, she has a right femoral pulse and no palpable popliteal or distal pulses; on the left side there are no palpable pulses, not even femoral.

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