Kyiv, Ukraine | 16-18 May 2024
We continue to work and hold our congresses, the discussions of which are the most interesting in the world. This year’s congress will be held both in the format of sectional meetings, where the most interesting reports on the proposed topic will be presented, and in the expanded format of theoretical and practical masterclasses, where expert trainers will share their experience.
As part of the congress, it is planned to hold master classes in the main areas of vascular surgery, phlebology and angiology.
As always, there will be plenty of time for questions and answers and discussion.
The main emphasis of this year’s congress will be on the presentation and discussion of interesting and “amazing” clinical cases. The best will be recognized with congress prizes.
The best phlebological and angiological presentations will also have the opportunity to be published for free in the world’s leading publications.
A section of young scientists will be held separately, initiated by the renewed “young” by the presidium of the Association
The main thematic areas of the congress:
• Combat vascular trauma
• Acute and chronic vascular diseases in wartime conditions
• Surgery of the aorta and its branches
• Surgery of the brachiocephalic arteries
• Critical ischemia of the lower extremities
• Current issues of VTE
• Chronic diseases of the veins of the lower extremities and pelvis
• Complications of the course of CVD
• Venous trophic ulcers Lymphovenous insufficiency, phlebolymphedema
• Lymphedema
• Pelvic venous disorders
• Congenital vascular malformations
• Diabetic foot
• The role of a vascular surgeon in transplantology Innovations in vascular surgery, phlebology and angiology
• Organizational issues
Abstracts in the format: “Microsoft Word editor, Times font New Roman, font size 14, line spacing 1” Please send abstracts and titles of reports to the address by February 15, 2024.
Abstracts will be printed in the journal “Clinical Surgery” or another speciality.