About the role.

The EVST Secretary is the head of the EVST ExCo and Council, they sit for 3 years in this position and are responsible for the following:

  • Overseeing all EVST activities
  • Submitting an annual budget request for EVST activities
  • Chairing EVST Council meetings (twice a year – Spring and September) and EVST ExCo meetings (adhoc)
  • Sitting on the ESVS Executive Committee and ESVS Council and attending their numerous meetings throughout the year (3 Executive Committee and 2 ESVS Council meetings) *
  • Reporting on EVST activities and their progress on a regular basis
  • Actively promoting the EVST community and its activities, with the objective to increasing visibility and membership
  • Leading the EVST Councillors and ExCo to achieve these common objectives

*costs for expenses related to ESVS Executive Committee meetings and ESVS Council meetings are covered by the society.  The EVST Secretary covers their own costs for other meetings and receives an expenses allowance of 350€ to attend the ESVS Annual Meeting.


A shortlist of candidates will be invited to present at the April Council meeting, during which a vote will be cast to elect the successful candidate.

The official hand-over to the incoming EVST Secretary will take place during the EVST Council Meeting at the Annual Meeting, and the mandate of the incoming Secretary will begin immediately after.

How to apply?

Any EVST member with an active 2022 membership can apply.  Send a motivational cover letter plus your CV to natalie@esvs.org before 28th February


Call for Councillors for ESVS and EVST

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