The November 2021 issue is online and opens with a timely Editorial, by Faggioli et al., to remind us How to Maintain Safe Elective Aneurysm Surgery in the COVID-19 Era (read for free).

It is followed by two Debate Editorials (Bicknell versus Jenkins) to discuss whether EVAR Can Be Used In Most Challenging Necks (read here and here for free).

The last Editorial, by Paolini, is a new edition of our Global Tour D’Horizon Series and describes the current Hopes for Vascular and Cardiovascular Surgery in Argentina (read for free).

The first Editor’s choice paper, by Ancetti et al., investigated the Effects of Carotid Interventions on Cognitive Function in Asymptomatic Carotid Patients in a systematic review. The authors confirmed that asymptomatic CEA and CAS, by and large, had no effect on cognitive function (read for free).

The second Editor’s choice paper, by Karelis et al., is also a EJVES Open Access paper and describes Multicentre Outcomes of Redo F/BEVAR to Rescue Failed Fenestrated Endografts. They confirmed that redo F/BEVAR for failed FEVAR was complex yet promising – and should be evaluated further (read for free).

Comes with an invited commentary by C.D. Bicknell et al.

The last Editor’s choice paper, by Thanigaimani et al., provides as systematic review of the Association Between Metformin Prescription and AAA Growth and Clinical Events. Metformin is likely associated with reduced AAA growth and event rates; therefore a RCT is urgently needed! (read for free).

 Comes with an invited commentary by G.A. Antoniou

The November issue features four additional EJVES Open Access papers:

The first EJVES Open Access paper, by Timmerman et al., investigated the association between Plasma Extracellular Vesicle Proteins and the Risk of Secondary Major Cardiovascular Events in Patients Undergoing CEA. In 864 biobank specimens, it seemed a promising candidate marker to predict residual cardiovascular risk after CEA – and to identify high risk patients (read for free).

The second EJVES Open Access paper, by Karlöf et al., correlated Plaque Morphology from CTA with Transcriptional Profiling to Predict Biological Plaque Behaviour. In 93 patients this appeared to be a potentially useful adjunct for risk stratification and therapeutic decision making (read for free).

Comes with an invited commentary by E. Choke et al.

The third EJVES Open Access paper, by Siercke et al., reports the CIPIC RCT on the effect of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation on Walking Distance in Claudicants. In 118 randomised patients, multimodal cardiovascular rehabilitation was indeed beneficial in terms of maximum walking distance, healthy diet and QoL! (read for free).

The last EJVES Open Access paper, by Smedberg et al., is a Coup D’Oeil – a first! (read for free).

We hope you will enjoy the November issue of the Journal despite its delayed delivery – it is full of interesting content!

Florian Dick                                                                Martin Björck

Editor-in-Chief                                                            Senior Editor


If you are a subscriber to the EJVES and have stored your access credentials to your computer or mobile device, you can access the whole issue here or individual papers via the links below. If you normally access the journal via the journal link in the ESVS members’ area, please go to the ESVS site via this link.

 (If you are a subscriber but have no electronic access installed, you can find help here to set your computer or mobile device up.)


Further ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS of the November 2021 issue include:

«Thoracic Endovascular Repair for Aortic Arch Pathologies with Surgeon Modified Fenestrated Stent Grafts: A Multicentre Retrospective Study» by Li et al. (link)

->Technically feasible with high success, but strokes and retrograde type A dissections do occur (513 multicentric patients evaluated)

 Comes with an invited commentary by S. Haulon et al.

«Geometric, Biomechanic and Haemodynamic Aortic Abnormalities Assessed by 4D Flow Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Patients Treated by TEVAR Following Blunt Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Injury» by Gil-Sala et al. (link)

->Proximal TEVAR alters biomechanics of the whole (otherwise healthy) aorta by increased aortic stiffness and abnormal flow pattern, but long term relevance is unclear (26 patients followed)

The full and commented TABLE OF CONTENTS of the November 2021 issue is freely available as pdf.


«Overview and Diagnostic Accuracy of Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Carotid Endarterectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis» by Khan et al. (link)

->  Intra-operative NIRS seems to have low sensitivity but high specificity for ischaemic events, but evidence clearly limited (systematic review of 26 studies involving 8500 patients)


«Fenestrated-Branch Endovascular Repair After Prior Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair» by Juszczak et al. (link)

-> Redo F/BEVAR after failed open repair or EVAR promising, particularly with complete relining – to be evaluated further (92 single centre patients followed)


 «Health Related Quality of Life Over Time After Revascularisation in Patients With Chronic Limb Threatening Ischaemia» by Kodama et al. (link)

->  As expected, CLTI revascularisation may improve QoL clearly, but only in selected patients with rehab potential (415 CLTI patients followed)


 «Adjuncts to the Management of Graft Aorto-Enteric Erosion and Fistula with in situ Reconstruction» by Mauriac et al. (link)

->  In situ reconstruction still associated with relevant morbidity and mortality despite open abdominal treatment and primary repair of enteric defects (66 patients observed)

 Comes with an invited commentary by A. Sivaharan et al.


 «Mast Cell Distribution in Human Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque Differs Significantly by Histological Segment» by Mekke et al. (link)

->  Mast cell concentration differs depending on distance from culprit lesion – standardised analytic approach needed to ensure comparability (26 biobank specimens analysed)

 Comes with an invited commentary by R.G. e Melo et al.

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