The May 2021 issue is online and opens with a new edition of our Global Tour D’Horizon. In this month’s leading Editorial, I. Cassimjee et al. report about Vascular Surgery in South Africa in 2021 (read for free).
After that, an Editorial Debate discusses the Surgical Perspective on the recent Voyager PAD Trial: A. Vahl et al. challenge some aspects of the trial’s interpretation (read for free), and receive a response by S. Debus and M. Nehler (read for free) who represent the trial’s executive committee – a lot of food for thought!
The first Editor’s choice paper, by Galyfos et al., provides a meta-analysis of Clinical Outcomes after Transcarotid Revascularisation for ICA Stenosis. In almost 5000 procedures, the approach seemed generally safe but possibly associated with increased cerebrovascular events in symptomatic patients (read for free).
The second Editor’s choice paper, by Scali et al., investigates the The Volume–Outcome Relationship After Open AAA Repair in the Endovascular Era in the ICVR. In this multinational registry, a centre minimum of about 15 open intact AAA repairs per year was associated with greatest mortality risk reduction (read for free).
The last Editor’s choice paper, by Leatherby et al., scrutinises the Effect of Weekend Admission on Outcomes for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in a systematic review. They observed that rAAA management on weekends was indeed associated with mortality, but acknowledged that lack of patient-level data precluded predefined adjustments for confounding factors (read for free).
In addition, the May issue features two EJVES Open Access papers: Mulay et al. investigated the Effect of Type 2 Endoleaks on Survival After EVAR. Both, presence of and intervention for type 2 endoleak did not seem to affect overall survival, but subgroups might still benefit from active management (read for free).
Comes with an invited commentary by F. Bastos Gonçalves
And De Donato et al. present the INDIAN Trial on Vacuum Assisted Thrombo-Aspiration for Acute Lower Limb Ischaemia. They comfirmed the Indigon vacuum-assisted thrombo-aspiration system was safe and effective, but follow-up was limited to one month (read for free).
Comes with an invited commentary by J.J. Earnshaw.
We hope you enjoy this new edition of our Journal that offers a thought provoking debate and new insights into the latest vascular research. A good way to start into early summer!
Florian Dick                                                                Martin Björck
Editor-in-Chief                                                            Senior Editor
If you are a subscriber to the EJVES and have stored your access credentials to your computer or mobile device, you can access the whole issue here or individual papers via the links below. If you normally access the journal via the journal link in the ESVS members’ area, please go to the ESVS site via this link.
(If you are a subscriber but have no electronic access installed, you can find help here to set your computer or mobile device up.)
Further ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS of the May 2021 issue include:
«The Content of Pre-habilitative Interventions for Patients Undergoing Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms and Their Effect on Post-Operative Outcomes: A Systematic Review» by Bonner et al. (link)
->Efficacy of preoperative measures to enhance patient resilience prior to AAA repair remains unclear despite several RCTs – better RCTs needed! (systematic review of 900 patients from 7 RCTs)
Comes with an invited commentary by L. Shan.
«Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease Under Nephrology Care on Outcomes of Carotid Endarterectomy» by Jeong et al. (link)
->  Uncontrolled chronic kidney disease has a negative impact on long term CEA outcomes, but good nephrology care can offset this disadvantage (675 patients compared)
«Timing and Outcome of Endovascular Repair for Uncomplicated Type B Aortic Dissection» by Xie et al. (link)
->  Acute TEVAR (< 14 days) associated with increased risk of early events: great caution recommended (unplanned comparison of 267 patients).
Comes with an invited commentary by M.S. Bischoff et al.
«Trigger and Target for Fibrinogen Supplementation Using Thromboelastometry (ROTEM) in Patients Undergoing Open Thoraco-Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair» by Monaco et al. (link)
->  Study suggests plasma fibrinogen threshold to trigger substitution in order to avoid severe bleeding complications – to be validated externally (166 patients analysed).
Comes with an invited commentary by F. Falter et al.
«Natural History of Asymptomatic Superior Mesenteric Arterial Stenosis Depends on Coeliac and Inferior Mesenteric Artery Status» by Bordet et al. (link)
->  Preventive revascularisation of asymptomatic SMA stenosis only sensible if other visceral arteries stenosed as well, but BMT must be optimised first and life expectancy considered (based on 77 cases)
Comes with an invited commentary by M. Björck
«Impact of Guidewire Route on Severe Dissection After Balloon Angioplasty for Femoropopliteal Chronic Total Occlusion Lesions: An Intravascular Ultrasound Analysis» by Shimada et al. (link)
->  Eccentric guidewire passage of chronic occlusion may be associated with an increased risk of severe dissection (based on an IVUS classification established in coronaries and observed in 21 femoropoliteal lesions)
«The Use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Evaluate the Effect of Exercise on Peripheral Muscle Oxygenation in Patients with Lower Extremity Artery Disease: A Systematic Review» by Cornelis et al. (link)
-> Standards for the use of NIRS are lacking, but need to be established before diagnostic usefulness of NIRS can be confirmed (systematic review of 11 heterogeneous studies).
Comes with an invited commentary by B.L. Pedersen et al.


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