As part of our mission to continue providing innovative and stimulating educational opportunities to our members, we are proud to announce the 1st ESVS Educational Webinar.
This exciting event will see 3 international experts (Prof. Gert Jan de Borst, Prof. Hans-Henning Eckstein and Prof. Henrik Sillesen) gather for an interactive discussion on Carotid Disease.
You, the viewer, will have the opportunity to contribute to the conversation in real time; engaging with the presenters, reacting to comments, and asking your own questions.

  • Monday 16th September 2019
  • 18:00 – 19:30 (CET)


  • At home
  • At work
  • On the train

You can access the live event on your computer, tablet or smartphone … from wherever you are!
Live streaming of the event will be accessed through a link on the ESVS website homepage.
Following the event, ESVS members will have exclusive access to the footage, allowing them to revisit the videos after the webinar has taken place.

With the support of Bayer.

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