1st edition Mastercl@ss videos available

ESVS launched the 1st edition of the ESVS Mastercl@ss LIVE in January 2019, bringing together experts from all over Europe to present and comment on current invasive vascular therapies.  The 2019 Mastercl@ss topic was supraaortic vessels.
ESVS members can access the videos from the 2019 event here.

Share your knowledge in 2020

The ESVS is pleased to invite vascular surgeons, trainees and professionals of all related disciplines to contribute to the Scientific Programme of the 2nd ESVS Masterclass LIVE webstream meeting.

The main topic is: Invasive treatment of lower extremity peripheral occlusive disease

For more information on video submissions visit here. (Deadline 15th October 2019)
Keep an eye on the developing programme here.
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