The abstract submission deadline has been extended until 14th April 2019. This is the last extension, therefore don’t miss the chance to submit your scientific work for the ESVS 33rd Annual Meeting in Hamburg. There will be no further extensions.
The notification of abstract acceptance will be announced on 20th May 2019. The authors of accepted abstracts will have a chance to win one of the following prestigious Prizes :
3 Prizes for Best Oral Presentations
3 Prizes for Best Poster Presentations
1 Delegates’ Choice Award for the top-rated Poster
1 Prize “ Vascular Nursing and Sonography Research”
To avoid any unexpected technical errors due to the high volume of abstracts submitted, we would like to advise you to submit your abstract as soon as possible.
SUBMIT your research today!
Deadline for abstract submission is 14th April 2019 (23:59 CET)