Time has come to replace councillors in the following countries:

  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • France
  • India
  • Netherlands
  • Romania
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine

The new Councillor’s mandate will run from summer 2017 until April 2020.
The rules for elections are as follows:

  • Only full members of the ESVS may stand for election. Confirmation with the National Society of your country will be requested, the confirmation only concerns the status of employment as a qualified vascular surgeon in the country in question.
  • Only full members of the ESVS may vote for the candidates.
  • Candidates and those who wish to vote must have a fully updated membership at the time of voting (June 2017).
  • Candidates are requested to be present at the two Council meetings per year for three years. These meetings take place at the ESVS Annual Meeting in September (September 2017 being the first meeting for the elected candidate. The other meeting is in connection with the Charing Cross meeting in London in April).

The procedure will be as follows:

  • Candidates can apply as new Councillor via this link before 12th June.
  • The candidates will be announced on 13th June.
  • The election will be open from 13th-27th June.
  • The successful candidate will be announced during the first week of July and all candidates will be individually informed immediately afterwards.
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