ESVS Academy Committee Chair
The ESVS is looking for a dedicated member to become the next Chair of the Academy Committee from September 2025, for a 3-year term (non-extendable). The successful candidate will shadow the current Chair – Igor Koncar – from November 2024.
ESVS Academy: Developing world-class, innovative and interactive training for vascular surgeons.
The ESVS Academy represents the educational branch of the Society and was born in 2018. It delivers CME accredited online and onsite educational workshops and courses to vascular surgeons across all skill levels. All of our activities are split into Pathways and tracks (aortic, carotid, peripheral arterial disease, venous, vascular access, diagnostic, professional development and vascular medicine). The Academy Committee has eleven members including the Chair, eight Pathway or track leads (running each Pathway), a representative of the European Vascular Surgeons in Training (EVST) and the e-Committee and a Training Team Co-ordinator. The Committee is also supported by a full-time Project Manager, based at the head office in Bordeaux.
The Academy runs up to 70 workshops per year and is constantly growing and expanding its activities. The 2023 Academy offer was the largest yet and further growth and developments are already unfolding for 2024, including many more face-to-face workshops.
What do you need?
Any European members from the ESVS who meet the following criteria, can apply:
- Strong experience in leading educational and training activities
- Ability to lead and manage an educational development strategy
- Previous involvement in ESVS Academy activities or any comparable educational activities
- Experience in organization of non-commercial workshops and/or courses
- Active participation at workshops and/or courses of the Academy as lead convenor/co-convenor
- Work on a voluntary basis
- Fluency in English
- Commit to performing the tasks required by the Committee within given deadlines
- Respect the ESVS vision, mission and procedures
- Availability to travel within Europe for face-to-face Committee meetings and the ESVS Annual Meeting annually, in its full length
What is expected from you:
The Chair is in charge of leading the Academy and shall approve the educational activities run by ESVS, ensuring they are in line with the Academy SOPs. They shall be responsible for the final setup of the Academy Programme at the Annual Meeting. She or he becomes a member of the ESVS Executive Committee, the Programme Committee and the Industry Relations and Business Development (IRBD) group, for the duration of the term and shall present a report regarding the performance of the Academy at each meeting of the Executive Committee, the Council and the Society.
The first 11 months, until the conclusion of the ESVS Annual Meeting, you will be shadowing and supporting the current Chair (collaborating and smoothly taking over the work). The Academy team, from all over Europe, meet regularly online (monthly usually) to discuss all the activities under the Academy umbrella, with 2 face-to-face meetings, normally in November and Spring. Please note, there will be a meeting held in Istanbul the 6th and 7th November.
More about the Society’s governance and bye-laws can be found here.
How to do you get involved ?
- Please send your CV and a cover letter via the application form, outlining your motivations to become the Chair of the ESVS Academy Committee and your vision/strategy to further develop the Academy
ESVS Academy Chair
- Deadline for applications is 1st October
- Interviews and voting in an Academy meeting end of October – date tbc.
- Outcome to be communicated within one week.
- Start date shadowing: November 1st 2024
- Start date official: September 2025 after the Annual Meeting
The ESVS is an inclusive organisation, which values and seeks out a diverse membership pool, promotes inclusion among members. We embrace all differences and foster respect and a sense of belonging. We believe that diversity enriches our perspectives, improves our performance and makes everyone feel safe and valued.
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